Exploring the Broken Window Theory in Software DevelopmentThe Broken Window Theory, originally from urban criminology, posits that visible signs of disorder and neglect, such as a broken window…Apr 6, 2024Apr 6, 2024
Embracing Concurrency in Go: A Holistic Approach to Database Operations and Resource ManagementIn the Go programming world, concurrency stands as a pillar of the language’s design, offering developers powerful tools to write efficient…Mar 30, 2024Mar 30, 2024
Mastering the Art of Header Transformation in CSV Files with GoIn Go programming language, it’s common to work with data structures, like headers in a CSV file, which require transformation to enable…Feb 11, 2023Feb 11, 2023
Encyclopedia Metallum Public API autocomplete in React, Node js and Mongo DBAs I have promised in a previous article(https://teopanta1986.medium.com/encyclopedia-metallum-autocomplete-1727b0d2f3da) today I will give…Jul 24, 2022Jul 24, 2022
Github Copilot extensive review. A threat to developers?A month ago I received a notification from github that I can use github copilot for free for one month. After about a year in the waiting…Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022
An opiniated skeleton for dockerized node js apps with postgreSQL and sequelizeHello, I ‘ve create a dockerized node js skeleton app with specific structure.Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
Boilerplate code for creating openfaas service with node template and fully dockerizedif you want to know more about openfaas check their beautifull documentation https://docs.openfaas.com/Dec 28, 2020Dec 28, 2020
Boilerplate code for REACT/NODE application with Postgresss/Sequelize/Automated Migrations and…In case you want a react/node dashboard with modern code and practices, fully dockerized, fully automated with Google Authentication I…Dec 28, 2020Dec 28, 2020
Encyclopedia Metallum AutocompleteI grew up with metal-archives as a search tool for my favorite bands, but their existent search bar is still not very handy, because you…Aug 13, 2020Aug 13, 2020
Create a movie rating social network (Node.js/PostgreSQL)Today I will show you how you can create a user based social network where you can add movies with titles and description and with the…Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020